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Mobile Power Electronics Lab



모바일 전력전자 연구실

본 연구실(일명 테슬라 랩)은 세계 최고수준 무선전력기술 개발을 목표로,
1) 온라인 전기자동차(On-Line Electric Vehicles, OLEV), 철도 등 전기에너지 기반 무선전기차(Wireless Electric Vehicles),
2) 다수 소형 전자기기(모바일 폰, 사물인터넷, 체내삽입 전자기기 등)의 동시충전 무선전력시스템,
3) 드론 및 로봇의 무선전력시스템 등 세계적 수준의 전력전자(Advanced Power Electronics) 연구를 진행 중이다.

이외에도 테슬라의 공학자 정신에 따라
4) 자기장을 집속시키는 SMF(Synthesized Magnetic field Focusing),
5) 펄스자장 바이오 기술 등 혁신적인 발명을 주도하고 있으며, 개발된 기술의 상용화에도 적극 앞장서고 있다.

Mobile Power Electronics Lab. GIST

Mobile Power Electronics Lab. (Tesla Lab) at GIST is aiming the world best wireless power transfer technology development, including the followings:
1) Wireless Electric Vehicles such as OLEV(One-Line Electric Vehicles), rail road trains, etc.,
2) Simultaneous wireless charging of multiple small electronic devices such as smart phones, IoTs, etc.,
3) Pioneering research on advanced power electronics such as wireless charging of drones and robots.

Besides these, in accordance with Nichola Tesla's engineering spirit, Tesla Lab is leading innovative inventions and commercialization of the followings:
4) Magnetic technology of SMF(Synthesized Magnetic field Focusing),
5) Pulsed magnetic field technology for bio-medical applications, etc.

Research Area

1) Wireless power transfer for EVs and electronic devices
2) Mobile(wired) power transfer for drones and robots
3) Renewable energies such and PV(photo voltaic) and battery management
4) Power system modeling and control for smartgrids
5) General unified converter modelings
6) Magnetic field generation and applications for bio-medical area
7) Policy planing for energy, industry, security, and nations
8) Innovative inventions for any kinds on Earth and space
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